Patch 3.21 - Week 4 - Riot Hybernation is over this week! Patch Notes Waiting Room!

Valentino (Legna) Vazzoler


Number of Master Players: 9024

Number of HighDiamond 1 Players: 10247

Number of (Ranked) Master matches analysed 201392 or 402784 games.

Number of (Ranked) ~HighDiamond matches analysed 339049 or 678098 games.

Last Update: 2023-01-07 09:29


Patch 3.21 - Week 4 - by the Numbers1
Characteristic Master2 ~HighDiamond2
N = 391,4513 N = 201,3923 N = 504,8543 N = 339,0493
    Ranked 201,392 (51%) 339,049 (67%)
    ThePathOfChampions 106,156 (27%) 100,737 (20%)
    Other 77,510 (20%) 59,648 (12%)
    Labs 3,306 (0.8%) 3,732 (0.7%)
    Friendly Bo3 3,087 (0.8%) 1,688 (0.3%)
    Americas 154,702 (40%) 79,111 (39%) 187,228 (37%) 127,701 (38%)
    Apac 114,649 (29%) 52,165 (26%) 152,548 (30%) 92,282 (27%)
    Europe 122,100 (31%) 70,116 (35%) 165,078 (33%) 119,066 (35%)
1 Max datetime recovered: 2023-01-04 17:59:58.93294 UTC from 2022-12-28 18:00:00 to 2023-01-04 18:00:00 UTC
2 EU Master 3018/3020 NA Master 3625/3644 APAC Master 2381/2385
3 n(%) took from the number of matches. When the data is analysed the size is double since we account each different player


Shard/Server Total
Americas Apac Europe
Player Rank
    Master 3,625 (19%) 2,381 (12%) 3,018 (16%) 9,024 (47%)
    Diamond 3,807 (20%) 2,896 (15%) 3,544 (18%) 10,247 (53%)
Total 7,432 (39%) 5,277 (27%) 6,562 (34%) 19,271 (100%)


Play Rate


The Gini Index is a measure of heterogeneity so, in this case and in simpler terms, how much the play rates are similar. The Index goes (when normalized like here) \(\in [0, 1]\) and it’s equal to 1 when there’s a single value with 100% play rate or 0 when all play rates are equal. Of course a Gini Index of 1 needs to be avoided but it’s not like the aim should be 0. As said, it’s just to add some additional tools.


Region Play Rate
Relative Frequencies by Inclusion Rate of a Region
Freq Shard
America Apac Europe
ShadowIsles 13.59% 13.78% 13.84% 13.18%
Noxus 12.21% 12.34% 12.18% 12.10%
Demacia 11.10% 10.92% 10.79% 11.55%
Piltover 10.63% 10.39% 11.18% 10.50%
BandleCity 7.75% 7.56% 7.86% 7.89%
Freljord 7.43% 7.76% 7.45% 7.04%
Bilgewater 6.47% 6.41% 5.68% 7.12%
Ionia 6.05% 5.76% 7.59% 5.21%
Shurima 5.91% 5.57% 5.84% 6.36%
MtTargon 3.84% 4.04% 4.12% 3.41%
Aatrox 9.18% 9.59% 7.85% 9.72%
Kayn 1.85% 2.32% 1.48% 1.58%
Ryze 1.76% 1.38% 1.94% 2.07%
Jhin 0.81% 0.74% 0.80% 0.90%
Varus 0.55% 0.62% 0.54% 0.50%
Bard 0.49% 0.44% 0.52% 0.53%
Evelynn 0.19% 0.22% 0.20% 0.16%
Jax 0.17% 0.18% 0.14% 0.20%
total 15.01% 15.47% 13.47% 15.65%
Patch 3.21 - Week 4 Ranked games from 2022-12-28 18:00:00 UTC to 2023-01-04 18:00:00 UTC Source: Metadata of games collected with RiotGames API Last Update: 2023-01-07 08:27:01.652056

Play Rate by number of Cards



Region Play Rate
Relative Frequencies by number of times a Card within a Region is included in a Deck
Freq Shard
America Apac Europe
ShadowIsles 14.08% 13.90% 14.81% 13.74%
Demacia 12.78% 12.59% 12.23% 13.41%
Runeterra 12.10% 12.55% 10.77% 12.59%
Piltover 11.94% 11.84% 12.60% 11.57%
Noxus 11.64% 11.89% 11.65% 11.35%
Freljord 7.77% 8.61% 7.53% 7.00%
Shurima 7.36% 6.66% 7.36% 8.13%
BandleCity 7.05% 6.99% 6.96% 7.19%
Bilgewater 6.31% 6.21% 5.53% 7.00%
Ionia 5.45% 5.22% 6.72% 4.76%
MtTargon 3.52% 3.54% 3.85% 3.25%
Patch 3.21 - Week 4 Ranked games from 2022-12-28 18:00:00 UTC to 2023-01-04 18:00:00 UTC Source: Metadata of games collected with RiotGames API Last Update: 2023-01-07 08:27:01.652056

Champions Combinations

Play Rates


from Master

Source: Metadata of games collected with RiotGames API. Last Update: 2023-01-07 08:30:41.149701 FALSE

from Diamond

Source: Metadata of games collected with RiotGames API. Last Update: 2023-01-07 08:30:41.510485 FALSE

Day by day

Hourly/Dialy lines

Stacked Playrates

Each playrate is stacked upon the other with the decks with the highest overall play-rate (the written value) being at the bottom.

Stacked Games

Win Rates

Meta Decks

Win rates of the most played combination of champions. Play Rate \(\geq 1\%\) in at least one of the servers.

Format changed to replicate the one used in the Meta - page


Top Win rates of the top10 best performing least played combination of champions. Play rate \(\in [0.1%, 1%)\)